Friday, November 13, 2009

Another Hiatus?

Yes, yes. I am still here for those who read this thingy. I have been mired in Read 180 (ugh) and the start/middle/end of the first quarter of the school year. Time is a precious commodity these days and I am saving every extra minute that I have for reading. However, I have not been BLOGGING those books- I promise (myself) that I will return to regular entries as soon as our NCTE presentation is over with! I do have my list ready to go so get ready for the barrage of entries during the conference in Philadelphia next week.


BookChook said...

Looking forward to it!

Jen W. said...

Hi Susan! It's good to hear from you! Hope all is well on the other side while we are cooling down again. I want you to know that I have used so many of your website suggestions with my own kids and they've loved them! -jen