Friday, July 9, 2010

Thoreau at Walden

I love graphic novels, especially for what they can do for struggling readers. I read this wonderful version of Walden by John Porcellino last night. Almost the entire book is written using Thoreau's actual words, taken from various publications, mostly Walden. Thoreau's values of simplicity and living happily in nature come through loud and clear, making him accessible to students of all ages. The text isn't watered down, so the actual words can resonate with readers. Additionally, the pictures are simple and clear. For some reason, I just love the way Porcellino has depicted the cabin. In this case, the simplicity of the pictures echo Thoreau's values- nice touch.

1 comment:

Craig said...

I read Walden years ago, and there are a few pictures that still stick in my mind. They are icons of his attempts to simplify: the tiny house, the solitude, using a brick for a pillow, and the description of taking a simple bread recipe and making it simpler.

While I haven't stripped my own life as bare, I remember these images as I try to minimize the clutter. I want to pass these ideas on to my kids, who are too young to "get it" and will soon be blasted by consumption and continuous connection. This looks like a good introduction. Thanks, Jen.