Saturday, April 3, 2010

What I Have Been Reading...

Here is what is actually occupying my reading (not audiobook) time:

The Eternal Ones by Kristen Miller (Razorbill, Aug. 2010): Like all of the other reviews I've read, I thought this one was going to be about vampires. However, I picked it up and couldn't put it down. Two soulmates continue to be reincarnated and find each other, but the "evil" side continues to be reincarnated as well. Imagine running from your enemies for lifetime after lifetime! While others have found the main character (Haven Moore)too predictable, I found the storyline to be engaging and interesting. She never knows when to believe Iain (her lover). Girls are going to eat this up! My colleague devoured it as I did and it is now in the hands of the first 8th grade girl who was interested.

The Help
by Kathryn Stockett- I LOVED this book and read the end because I couldn't listen to it fast enough, but the AUDIO is fantastic! No need to recap because it's plastered all over the best seller lists.

What the 10 year-old is reading (is she really 10 already?):

Deltora Quest books by Emily Rodda: I get an update everyday about the next gem found to complete the belt and restore order to the kingdom. I am so tickled that she loses herself in fantasy novels!

I promise I will be better about posting now that spring seems as if it has sprung.

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