Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Audio-The Graveyard Book

I won't say too much about The Graveyard Book as a book, but more about it as an audio. Obviously, it won the Newbery so it must have some literary merit and appeal. But, I have to say that the audio was stunning. After the first scene (where I had to rewind it to see if I'd really heard it correctly) I was a bit baffled at the entire premise of the book. However, Neil Gaiman's own reading as well as the eerie music made this a great audiobook. I believe it was an honorable mention in the Odyssey Awards this year. Once I got past the "baby-being-raised-by-ghosts" part and started to understand that this was a novel about growing up, its genius rang true! It is simply a beautiful book about growing up. (period) I did look at a copy of the book in our school library and saw that it was somewhat illustrated, however, I think the incredible audio made up for the pictures in the "ear version". I won't say any more because so many have already reviewed this book. I highly recommend the audio version!

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